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Democrats, Republicans appear no closer to averting massive federal cuts next month

Congressional Democrats and Republicans appeared far apart Sunday on a deal to avert $85 billion in federal spending reductions next month, with a top House Republican saying the cuts appear “inevitable.”

Congressional Democrats and Republicans appeared far apart Sunday on a deal to avert $85 billion in federal spending reductions next month, with a top House Republican saying the cuts appear “inevitable.”

The automatic cuts, known as sequester, kick in March 1 because the parties have failed to agree on a less-drastic plan to cut the federal budget and deficit.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi told “Fox News Sunday” that Democrats remain steadfast about tax increases being part of the deal but remain open to spending cuts.

Graham: White House stonewalling on Benghazi means 'no information, no confirmation’

Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham suggested Sunday that he would try to hold up the appointment of President Obama’s nominees to run the CIA and the Defense Department until the White House provides more details about what the president and other top administration officials were doing the night of the Benghazi terror attacks.

Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham suggested Sunday that he would try to hold up the appointment of President Obama’s nominees to run the CIA and the Defense Department until the White House provides more details about what the president and other top administration officials were doing the night of the Benghazi terror attacks.

The South Carolina senator is among congressional Republicans most critical of Defense Department nominee Chuck Hagel and the White House’s handling of the Sept. 11, 2012, attacks on a U.S. outpost in Benghazi, Libya. The attacks killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans.

“I don’t think we should allow … Hagel to be confirmed secretary of Defense until the White House gives us an accounting,” Graham said on CBS’ “Face the Nation.” “Did the White House ever pick up the phone and call anyone in the Libyan government to help these folks?”

State lawmakers rush to draft gun bills in response to shootings

Democratic lawmakers across the country are proposing gun-control bills in the wake of recent mass-shootings, including at least one far-reaching state measure that might interfere with federal laws.

Democratic lawmakers across the country are proposing gun-control bills in the wake of recent mass-shootings, including at least one far-reaching state measure that might interfere with federal laws.

At least seven states have proposed such legislation. Among the most recent proposals are ones requiring gun owners or maker

Two California Democrats proposed a bill last week in the state Assembly that encourages owners to attend gun-safety classes and lock up their weapons to get insurance discounts.

Rubio on rise within Republican Party, in post-election vacuum

Marco Rubio is taking center stage as Republicans search for a new leader.

Marco Rubio is taking center stage as Republicans search for a new leader.

In the nearly 100 days since President Barack Obama won a second term, the Florida senator has made calculated, concrete steps to emerge as a next-generation leader of a rudderless party, put a 21st-century stamp on the conservative movement and potentially position himself for a future presidential run.

The bilingual Cuban-American lawmaker has become Republicans' point person on immigration reform and pitches economic solutions at middle-class workers. He is an evangelist for a modern, inclusive party that welcomes more Hispanics and minorities but says Republicans must stay true to their principles.

Cheney criticizes Obama's 'second rate' nominees for national security posts

Former Vice President Dick Cheney said Saturday night that President Barack Obama has jeopardized U.S. national security by nominating substandard candidates for key cabinet posts and by degrading the U.S. military.

Former Vice President Dick Cheney said Saturday night that President Barack Obama has jeopardized U.S. national security by nominating substandard candidates for key cabinet posts and by degrading the U.S. military.

"The performance now of Barack Obama as he staffs up the national security team for the second term is dismal," Cheney said in comments to about 300 members of the Wyoming Republican Party.

Cheney, a Wyoming native, said it was vital to the nation's national security that "good folks" hold the positions of secretary of state, CIA director and secretary of defense.

New US commander takes the helm in Afghanistan

US Commander
A new U.S. commander is at the helm of international forces in Afghanistan.

Marine Gen. Joseph Dunford took over Sunday as the new and probably last commander of all U.S. and international forces in Afghanistan.

The American-led NATO coalition is entering the final stretch of its participation in a war that will have lasted more than 13 years when most foreign combat troops pull out at the end of 2014.

Dunford took over leadership of the International Security Assistance Force, and a smaller but separate detachment of American troops, from Marine Gen. John Allen, who had led them for the past 19 months.

Potential showdown on immigration reform likely to be on how safe is Southwest border, who decides

The effort in Washington to pass immigration reform is headed for a potential showdown over border security – with the separate Senate and White House plans putting different emphasis on the issue while Democrats and Republicans appearing to disagree over the extent of the problem.

The effort in Washington to pass immigration reform is headed for a potential showdown over border security – with the Senate and White House plans putting different emphasis on the issue, and Democrats and Republicans appearing to disagree over the extent of the problem.

The likely conflict was highlighted last week when Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano declared U.S. borders secure and said Republicans have a flawed argument about border security needing to precede comprehensive immigration reform.

"I believe the border is secure,” Napolitano said Monday in San Diego, during a three-day swing of the Southwest border. “I believe the border's a safe border (but) that's not to say everything is 100 percent."

Rand Paul to deliver Tea Party response to Obama's State of the Union speech

Rand Paul
Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul will give the Tea Party response to President Obama’s State of the Union address next week.

Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul will give the Tea Party response to President Obama’s State of the Union address next week.

The first-term senator will give the response while Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, another Tea Party favorite, gives the official Republican response Tuesday, according to The Los Angeles Times.

“Americans are fed up with Washington politics that fail to address America’s fiscal woes,” said Amy Kremer, chairwoman of Tea Party Express. “Both Sen. Rubio and Sen. Paul will articulate pro-growth messages that will resonate with the American people.”